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Ranking all 341 Latter-day Saint hymns from worst to best: Part IV

Part IV of a five part series analyzing and ranking each hymn in the Latter-day Saint hymnal. 

Four Stars
Now we're getting to the really good ones. From this point on, most criticisms are fairly minor and each song has something wonderful. The four star hymns, however, aren’t quite perfect. Maybe they don’t carry quite as powerful an effect as the very best hymns, or perhaps they have some small weakness. Nevertheless, singing of any of the songs listed here will improve any meeting.

Rank 122

This hymn contains what is absolutely the most beautiful poetry of any song in any hymnbook. Tragically, we never sing it due to its strange, cumbersome, and ill-fitting tune. Do the right thing, Church HQ, and give these words a melody that will let them glow.

Rank 121

I’ve spent too much of my life dreading the things I can’t do on the Sabbath. This hymn reminds me that what I can do on the Sabbath can be a delight.

Rank 120

A happy, energetic anthem about leading from the front in unity. The third verse is particularly inspiring.

Rank 119

A happy song about fasting that encourages us to redirect our energies to those less fortunate than us.

Rank 118

The contrast based framework is great, but perhaps goes on too long. By the final verse, I think everyone’s gotten the point long ago.

Rank 117

The titular metaphor is a little dated, and the opening line is unfortunately gendered, but the sentiment is good.

Rank 116

Every beginning accompanist's favorite song, this hymn is perhaps overplayed, but the messages are still quite moving once you actually think about what you’re singing.

Rank 115

I never realized how ridiculously slow this song is meant to be played. 46 beats per minute? Seriously? Fortunately, every pianist I’ve ever heard has had the sense to double that for this delightfully simple number.

Rank 114

I could make a case for this being a 5 star song, but none of the likely sites of the crucifixion are particularly green, and depending on where your ward or branch meets, it might not be very far at all. Too bad “There is a dusty beige hill somewhere” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Rank 113

Verses 1 and 2 are okay, but verse three is great!

Rank 112

A really good if not especially powerful song.

Rank 111

I like this arrangement ever so slightly more than its identically named companion. The irony of the third verse in particular is masterfully done, though I wish the fourth were a little more clear that it is Christ doing the ruling and reigning.

Rank 110

Though it works best when sung as a musical number (children sing 1, adults sing 2, everyone sings 3), this song is just too adorable to leave out.

Rank 109

Most hymns lose some potency when translated out of their original language, but the Spanish version of “Secret Prayer” is somehow even better. It’s usually sung faster and feels more celebratory than contemplative. We should sing it like that in English too.

Rank 108

Meek aspirations to apotheosis in song? It’s bold, but I like it!

Rank 107

It’s not the most powerful hymn in the world, but it is a lovely sentiment.

Rank 106

One of the more soothing songs in the hymnbook.

Rank 105

The single best moment of the movie Legacy is when this song is sung. Or Liza’s perfect eye roll during the sawing competition.

Rank 104

Melodically, it’s one of the most powerful hymns out there. Unfortunately, the lyrics can be a little awkward or inaccessible in places.

Rank 103

The harmonies are 5 star worthy, but after you realize “Noel” is just French for “Christmas”, the lyrics don’t really say that much: The first Christmas was to shepherds who saw a star (they didn’t, that was the wise men) when Jesus was born.

Rank 102

I am very much in favor of songs that stress that God is our friend.

Rank 101

Really grateful I’m not as judgmental as some people *ahem* Carol *ahem*.

Rank 100

A song that manages to be a call to action without sounding judgy. By the way, in case you haven't noticed, we've now reached the Billboard (Hymnboard?) Hot 100!

Rank 99

While the melody of the third line is a little awkward, this song is a wonderful celebration of the magnificent work of Relief Societies all over the world. It gets bonus points for sticking the landing with a reference to “heav’nly parents”.

Rank 98

Wisdom, understanding, healing, and life - four wonderful blessings of scripture study.

Rank 97

A good closing hymn to transfer positive worship experience into everyday life.

Rank 96

I wish we had more occasions to sing the fifth and sixth verses.

Rank 95

Another great godhead song. Incidentally, my first exposure to this hymn was a truly terrible, melodramatic recording of it, which made me think the song was terrible. *Ron Howard: It was not.

Rank 94

An underrated Christmas carol. It’s not particularly instructive or worshipful, but it tells a nice story.

Rank 93

So many wonderful descriptions of deity. We need more hymns that stress our joyful awe of the divine.

Rank 92

Such simple words perfectly accompany such personal feelings. My only qualm is that the first verse almost sounds like it’s more about death than about prayer.

Rank 91

One of only a handful of songs with lyrics written as if spoken by deity. The effect can be powerful, even if the melody of the final line is a bit iffy.

Rank 90

A triumphal anthem of the restoration. Verse 3 is perhaps a little too easy to confuse, but the sheer impact of the music more than makes up for it.

Rank 89

I love the consistent dual rhythms of this song, and the lesson isn’t half bad either.

Rank 88

A poetically phrased lesson on an essential but under-taught concept.

Rank 87

This should be required reading for anyone about to bear their testimony during Sacrament Meeting.

Rank 86

Very simply explained blessings of the virtue of humility.

Rank 85

A great song; my only (minor) qualm is the odd interjection to the Holy Spirit, when the rest of the song is directed solely to Jehovah.

Rank 84

Can we scratch verse 4 and just sing all five of the other verses?

Rank 83

The song that just keeps getting better and better.

Rank 82

It starts somewhat mundanely (though the choice to co-opt the words of the Sacrament prayers is an interesting one), but each verse is just a little more profound than the last.

Rank 81

I’ve heard others say they hope this song gets the boot due to its military terminology. I respectfully disagree. “Marching as to war” makes it clear the battle is a simile (thanks Mrs. Ronnow!), and in this case, that simile calls for us to rally together around a cause, not to be hostile toward an enemy.

Rank 80

I love this simple melody; it almost seems more like a lullabye than a hymn.

Rank 79

I think we’ve all felt verse 3 from time to time. It’s so good to know the song doesn’t end there.

Rank 78

If Nike wrote hymns.

Rank 77

The tune perfectly captures the positive side of the bittersweetness that hovers over the events of the Savior’s Atonement.

Rank 76

There are so many songs about familial relationships. I’m glad we have one about the sacred nature of friendships as well.

Rank 75

This seldom sung number does a wonderful job sharing the joy of eternal families without the problematic assumptions that plague similar hymns. It simply focuses on the reunion with those that we love most, including our Heavenly Parents.

Rank 74

I don’t know who Theodulph of Orleans is, but he did good when he wrote these lyrics.

Rank 73

Very somber, but appropriately so.

Rank 72

When I was a kid, I thought the song said “Fear not though the enemy be right.” “If the enemy’s right,” I thought, “then what the heck are we doing on this side?” Now, I like this song. It makes clear that the battle’s metaphorical and is fun, engaging, and instructive.

Rank 71

All the important bits of Lesson 1 of Preach My Gospel, packed into one convenient song!

Rank 70

One of the best ways to end a meeting.

Rank 69

One of the most enjoyable bass parts you’ll ever sing at Church. Like similar moving songs, it should be played as fast as the pianist can handle for maximum effect. Otherwise, the congregation might be too bored to recognize this song’s magnificent denouement.

Rank 68

One of the few hymns I feel actually sounds better slower; it emphasizes the reverence of the holy event. Anything too quick makes it sound like musical sports commentary.

Rank 67

This vigorous missionary hymn actually predates the restoration, but I never would have guessed it since its cheerful, global perspective on missionary work feels very much at home among songs inspired by modern revelation.

Rank 66

The only thing keeping this underrated gem from 5 stars is the ridiculously slow suggested tempo. The lyrics are beautiful, the harmonies sublime. Play it at 120 beats per minute (or more!) and everyone in your ward will thank you for it.

Rank 65

A delightful hymn of praise, with moving harmonies, simple and powerful lyrics, and only two verses. We should sing hymns like this more frequently.

Rank 64

A great example of making a scriptural story relevant through song. Just remember to take a healthy pause after the crescendo in the chorus; in the silence, you can almost feel the waves crashing to a halt around you.

Rank 63

The final verse is a bold testament to who we are and to the behavior to which we must aspire. It’s a direct, unapologetic invitation to become more like Jesus.

Rank 62

The essence of the Plan of Salvation is right here in its simplest form.

Rank 61

Such evocative imagery in the second verse, and such inspiring hope to finish the third.

Rank 60

This really puts fasting in perspective, and the irony of chorus is wonderfully thought provoking.

Rank 59

We should drop verses 2 and 3--not because they’re bad, but because verse 5 is better and verse 6 is absolutely vital. Without it, the song’s beautiful narrative arc remains unfinished.

Rank 58

I have friends who hate this song, and, to their credit, it is LONG, especially when played on the slower side. Nevertheless, in my opinion, this clear declaration of faith is the best thing Bruce R McConkie ever did.

Rank 57

A nearly flawless song. Unfortunately, Judea doesn’t have a lot of plains. It’s one of the most hilly places I’ve ever seen.

Rank 56

The beautifully haunting melody goes perfectly with the night-time, seaside imagery of the lyrics. My only reservation is that most landlubbers like me need to have the function of “lower lights” explained before they can fully appreciate the hymn.

Rank 55

A delightful little song with lyrics from President Hinckley. It should probably get 5 stars, but it’s just a little too similar to another, slightly better hymn.

Rank 54

The tune is so much fun, and it emphasizes Zion growing everywhere, rather than just on the Wasatch Front.

Rank 53

This lesson is, perhaps, taught better in the hymnal than anywhere else. I wish the tune were a little more interesting. It’s not bad, by any means, but I feel these lyrics could be even more potent with the right melody.

Rank 52

There’s a few insider references, but the overall impact of the song is so positive and powerful.

Rank 51

Did you know the British sing this to the hymnbook’s current tune of “I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly”? Personally, I like this American version better (but don’t tell anyone in my ward I said that!).

Rank 50

I love the build on the chorus. I simply love it.

Rank 49

How do we follow Jesus? By helping someone. By helping anyone. By helping everyone we can.

Rank 48

Did you know the Tabernacle Choir won a Grammy for their 1959 rendition of this song? While this could be considered a national hymn (it was written as a Union rallying cry during the US Civil War), the lyrics aren’t nation-specific (even if the title might be).

Rank 47

Severely underrated. In the new hymnbook, this hymn’s title will hopefully read “We Gather Together”, which is the song’s actual name and will hopefully help us remember which hymn this is.
Rank 46

255. Carry On
I'm breaking one of my rules here (hey, I told you this was subjective). The first verse and scattered lines throughout the songs are entirely dependent on a Utah perspective. I adore this song anyway. The melodic build of the chorus is fantastic, and its message of persevering through trying times has deep personal significance to me. My respect for the Hymnandments is just enough to make me refrain from giving this song 5 stars. Barely.

Index of Hymns:

1. The Morning Breaks490
2. The Spirit of God519
3. Now Let Us Rejoice530
4. Truth Eternal2270
5. High on the Mountain Top4104
6. Redeemer of Israel58
7. Israel, Israel, God Is Calling1323
8. Awake and Arise2240
9. Come, Rejoice543
10. Come, Sing to the Lord3181
11. What Was Witnessed in the Heavens?2269
12. ’Twas Witnessed in the Morning Sky2256
13. An Angel from on High1303
14. Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings3127
15. I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly3133
16. What Glorious Scenes Mine Eyes Behold2276
17. Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!1319
18. The Voice of God Again Is Heard466
19. We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet3208
20. God of Power, God of Right3136
21. Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice2219
22. We Listen to a Prophet’s Voice3174
23. We Ever Pray for Thee1298
24. God Bless Our Prophet Dear3152
25. Now We’ll Sing with One Accord1308
26. Joseph Smith’s First Prayer468
27. Praise to the Man1320
28. Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah454
29. A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief532
30. Come, Come, Ye Saints522
31. O God, Our Help in Ages Past3179
32. The Happy Day at Last Has Come3190
33. Our Mountain Home So Dear1318
34. O Ye Mountains High1300
35. For the Strength of the Hills1312
36. They, the Builders of the Nation3196
37. The Wintry Day, Descending to Its Close1328
38. Come, All Ye Saints of Zion4105
39. O Saints of Zion2242
40. Arise, O Glorious Zion469
41. Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise452
42. Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s Glad Morning!2225
43. Zion Stands with Hills Surrounded1322
44. Beautiful Zion, Built Above3193
45. Lead Me into Life Eternal3128
46. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken1309
47. We Will Sing of Zion2236
48. Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion1317
49. Adam-ondi-Ahman1313
50. Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise1324
51. Sons of Michael, He Approaches1337
52. The Day Dawn Is Breaking3134
53. Let Earth’s Inhabitants Rejoice3168
54. Behold, the Mountain of the Lord2281
55. Lo, the Mighty God Appearing!1334
56. Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning2275
57. We’re Not Ashamed to Own Our Lord2230
58. Come, Ye Children of the Lord4112
59. Come, O Thou King of Kings1335
60. Battle Hymn of the Republic448
61. Raise Your Voices to the Lord3125
62. All Creatures of Our God and King52
63. Great King of Heaven465
64. On This Day of Joy and Gladness517
65. Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth3165
66. Rejoice, the Lord Is King!450
67. Glory to God on High2215
68. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God2277
69. All Glory, Laud, and Honor474
70. Sing Praise to Him493
71. With Songs of Praise3189
72. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty525
73. Praise the Lord with Heart and Voice4102
74. Praise Ye the Lord1314
75. In Hymns of Praise3200
76. God of Our Fathers, We Come unto Thee3159
77. Great Is the Lord3147
78. God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand536
79. With All the Power of Heart and Tongue2263
80. God of Our Fathers, Known of Old1299
81. Press Forward, Saints534
82. For All the Saints2217
83. Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah485
84. Faith of Our Fathers2220
85. How Firm a Foundation510
86. How Great Thou Art51
87. God Is Love3173
88. Great God, Attend While Zion Sings3135
89. The Lord Is My Light540
90. From All That Dwell below the Skies3176
91. Father, Thy Children to Thee Now Raise2282
92. For the Beauty of the Earth531
93. Prayer of Thanksgiving447
94. Come, Ye Thankful People3204
95. Now Thank We All Our God2246
96. Dearest Children, God Is Near You2223
97. Lead, Kindly Light518
98. I Need Thee Every Hour514
99. Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee2235
100. Nearer, My God, to Thee511
101. Guide Me to Thee2231
102. Jesus, Lover of My Soul537
103. Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer3184
104. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me3177
105. Master, the Tempest Is Raging464
106. God Speed the Right3195
107. Lord, Accept Our True Devotion3156
108. The Lord Is My Shepherd542
109. The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare2255
110. Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord2267
111. Rock of Ages3197
112. Savior, Redeemer of My Soul3151
113. Our Savior’s Love495
114. Come unto Him3203
115. Come, Ye Disconsolate3138
116. Come, Follow Me2232
117. Come unto Jesus3175
118. Ye Simple Souls Who Stray1331
119. Come, We That Love the Lord3146
120. Lean on My Ample Arm2258
121. I’m a Pilgrim, I’m a Stranger2283
122. Though Deepening Trials3207
123. Oh, May My Soul Commune with Thee492
124. Be Still, My Soul57
125. How Gentle God’s Commands4107
126. How Long, O Lord Most Holy and True2280
127. Does the Journey Seem Long?2238
128. When Faith Endures3192
129. Where Can I Turn for Peace?528
130. Be Thou Humble486
131. More Holiness Give Me4106
132. God Is in His Holy Temple2228
133. Father in Heaven2260
134. I Believe in Christ458
135. My Redeemer Lives455
136. I Know That My Redeemer Lives515
137. Testimony487
138. Bless Our Fast, We Pray460
139. In Fasting We Approach Thee4119
140. Did You Think to Pray?4100
141. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee55
142. Sweet Hour of Prayer4116
143. Let the Holy Spirit Guide3150
144. Secret Prayer4109
145. Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire3160
146. Gently Raise the Sacred Strain3164
147. Sweet Is the Work3171
148. Sabbath Day3167
149. As the Dew from Heaven Distilling2249
150. O Thou Kind and Gracious Father2253
151. We Meet, Dear Lord2248
152. God Be with You Till We Meet Again53
153. Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part3162
154. Father, This Hour Has Been One of Joy1315
155. We Have Partaken of Thy Love3178
156. Sing We Now at Parting470
157. Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls497
158. Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head2257
159. Now the Day Is Over2250
160. Softly Now the Light of Day3163
161. The Lord Be with Us3129
162. Lord, We Come before Thee Now1330
163. Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing1310
164. Great God, to Thee My Evening Song2279
165. Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide524
166. Abide with Me!56
167. Come, Let Us Sing an Evening Hymn1307
168. As the Shadows Fall2216
169. As Now We Take the Sacrament473
170. God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray3180
171. With Humble Heart4108
172. In Humility, Our Savior3123
173. While of These Emblems We Partake (SAUL)3210
174. While of These Emblems We Partake (AEOLIAN)4111
175. O God, the Eternal Father482
176. ’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love (MEREDITH)477
177. ’Tis Sweet to Sing the Matchless Love (HANCOCK)3210
178. O Lord of Hosts3153
179. Again, Our Dear Redeeming Lord2254
180. Father in Heaven, We Do Believe496
181. Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King461
182. We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name3166
183. In Remembrance of Thy Suffering3195
184. Upon the Cross of Calvary3182
185. Reverently and Meekly Now491
186. Again We Meet around the Board3205
187. God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son3185
188. Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done3172
189. O Thou, Before the World Began3145
190. In Memory of the Crucified3191
191. Behold the Great Redeemer Die459
192. He Died! The Great Redeemer Died3137
193. I Stand All Amazed513
194. There Is a Green Hill Far Away4114
195. How Great the Wisdom and the Love484
196. Jesus, Once of Humble Birth4118
197. O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown4122
198. That Easter Morn1302
199. He Is Risen!54
200. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today516
201. Joy to the World529
202. Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful523
203. Angels We Have Heard on High521
204. Silent Night59
205. Once in Royal David’s City483
206. Away in a Manger3198
207. It Came upon the Midnight Clear2239
208. O Little Town of Bethlehem451
209. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing535
210. With Wondering Awe2218
211. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks494
212. Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains457
213. The First Noel4103
214. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day479
215. Ring Out, Wild Bells1306
216. We Are Sowing2266
217. Come, Let Us Anew3144
218. We Give Thee But Thine Own3187
219. Because I Have Been Given Much453
220. Lord, I Would Follow Thee449
221. Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd3154
222. Hear Thou Our Hymn, O Lord3140
223. Have I Done Any Good?545
224. I Have Work Enough to Do3201
225. We Are Marching On to Glory2233
226. Improve the Shining Moments2262
227. There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today538
228. You Can Make the Pathway Bright3199
229. Today, While the Sun Shines2245
230. Scatter Sunshine2237
231. Father, Cheer Our Souls Tonight3149
232. Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words3161
233. Nay, Speak No Ill3170
234. Jesus, Mighty King in Zion2221
235. Should You Feel Inclined to Censure4101
236. Lord, Accept into Thy Kingdom2251
237. Do What Is Right478
238. Behold Thy Sons and Daughters, Lord1325
239. Choose the Right544
240. Know This, That Every Soul Is Free488
241. Count Your Blessings489
242. Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow3157
243. Let Us All Press On472
244. Come Along, Come Along4120
245. This House We Dedicate to Thee1301
246. Onward, Christian Soldiers481
247. We Love Thy House, O God2222
248. Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion1321
249. Called to Serve539
250. We Are All Enlisted2214
251. Behold! A Royal Army2234
252. Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel4117
253. Like Ten Thousand Legions Marching2274
254. True to the Faith1305
255. Carry On446
256. As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days3131
257. Rejoice! A Glorious Sound Is Heard3148
258. O Thou Rock of Our Salvation3183
259. Hope of Israel3202
260. Who’s on the Lord’s Side?3132
261. Thy Servants Are Prepared2224
262. Go, Ye Messengers of Glory2247
263. Go Forth with Faith471
264. Hark, All Ye Nations!512
265. Arise, O God, and Shine467
266. The Time Is Far Spent3143
267. How Wondrous and Great2273
268. Come, All Whose Souls Are Lighted1333
269. Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth3186
270. I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go541
271. Oh, Holy Words of Truth and Love2241
272. Oh Say, What Is Truth?2229
273. Truth Reflects upon Our Senses2259
274. The Iron Rod3206
275. Men Are That They Might Have Joy1311
276. Come Away to the Sunday School2243
277. As I Search the Holy Scriptures498
278. Thanks for the Sabbath School2227
279. Thy Holy Word3169
280. Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning4121
281. Help Me Teach with Inspiration3139
282. We Meet Again in Sabbath School3141
283. The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shone2278
284. If You Could Hie to Kolob1295
285. God Moves in a Mysterious Way2252
286. Oh, What Songs of the Heart475
287. Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter2271
288. How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord3126
289. Holy Temples on Mount Zion4113
290. Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days2264
291. Turn Your Hearts3155
292. O My Father527
293. Each Life That Touches Ours for Good476
294. Love at Home2213
295. O Love That Glorifies the Son2261
296. Our Father, by Whose Name3124
297. From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise2244
298. Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth3158
299. Children of Our Heavenly Father480
300. Families Can Be Together Forever1296
301. I Am a Child of God3188
302. I Know My Father Lives462
303. Keep the Commandments4115
304. Teach Me to Walk in the Light4110
305. The Light Divine2265
306. God’s Daily Care3142
307. In Our Lovely Deseret1332
308. Love One Another526
309. As Sisters in Zion (Women)520
310. A Key Was Turned in Latter Days (Women)2226
311. We Meet Again as Sisters (Women)499
312. We Ever Pray for Thee (Women)1297
313. God Is Love (Women)2284
314. How Gentle God’s Commands (Women)2284
315. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (Women)2284
316. The Lord Is My Shepherd (Women)2284
317. Sweet Is the Work (Women)2284
318. Love at Home (Women)2284
319. Ye Elders of Israel (Men)533
320. The Priesthood of Our Lord (Men)1327
321. Ye Who Are Called to Labor (Men)2272
322. Come, All Ye Sons of God (Men)3209
323. Rise Up, O Men of God (Men’s Choir)3210
324. Rise Up, O Men of God (Men)463
325. See the Mighty Priesthood Gathered (Men’s Choir)2268
326. Come, Come, Ye Saints (Men’s Choir)2284
327. Go, Ye Messengers of Heaven (Men’s Choir)3130
328. An Angel from on High (Men’s Choir)1303
329. Thy Servants Are Prepared (Men’s Choir)2284
330. See, the Mighty Angel Flying (Men’s Choir)1326
331. Oh Say, What Is Truth? (Men’s Choir)2284
332. Come, O Thou King of Kings (Men’s Choir)1335
333. High on the Mountain Top (Men’s Choir)2284
334. I Need Thee Every Hour (Men’s Choir)2284
335. Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy (Men’s Choir)456
336. School Thy Feelings (Men’s Choir)1329
337. O Home Beloved (Men’s Choir)1316
338. America the Beautiful1338
339. My Country, ’Tis of Thee1338
340. The Star-Spangled Banner1338
341. God Save the King1338

To read more of Riley's work, click here or follow him on Twitter.


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The final section of a five part series analyzing and ranking each hymn in the Latter-day Saint hymnal, including the top 45. Read Part I, including an explanation of the project and its methods, here Read Part II here Read Part III here Read Part IV here Five Stars I have very little to criticize about the 45 best hymns. Each one fulfills all 10 Hymnandments : worship, accuracy, emotion, interest, simplicity, universality, symbiosis, non-cultiness, appropriateness, and rhyme. In other words, if any of these hymns doesn’t make it into the new hymnbook, I’m gonna riot. Who’s with me? Rank 45 223. Have I Done Any Good? Utah Jazz head coach Quin Snyder once found his team losing badly in an effortless performance. He rose to his feet and screamed “WAKE UP!” at his players (they rallied and won the game). Now, his intensity with those words are all I can think of as the chorus of this song begins. If I’ve done no good in the world today, it’s not a whisper...

Ranking all 341 Latter-day Saint hymns from worst to best: Part II

Part II of a five part series analyzing and ranking each hymn in the Latter-day Saint hymnal.  Read Part I, including an explanation of the project and its methods, here Read Part III here Read Part IV here Read Part V here Two Stars None of these songs are terrible, but I don’t feel any of them are necessary. Some are overshadowed by similar hymns that simply do a better job conveying the same message. A few are more confusing than inspiring. And a handful are just dull. I won’t be upset if any of these make the new hymnbook, but I feel we can do better with some new, more diverse songs of worship. Rank 284 (tie) 313-318, 326, 329, 331, 333-334. God Is Love (Women) ; How Gentle God’s Commands (Women) ; Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee (Women) ; The Lord Is My Shepherd (Women) ; Sweet Is the Work (Women) ; Come, Come, Ye Saints (Men’s Choir) ; Love at Home (Women) ; Thy Servants Are Prepared (Men’s Choir) ; 331. Oh Say, What Is Truth? (Men’s Choir) ;...